Thursday, April 8, 2010

April Meeting

Our April Meeting will be on 4/29 from 6-8pm at Click Forensics


6 - 6:30 : Meet and Greet (Beer and Pizza time)

6:30 - 7:15 : "Web Crawling in the Big Data Ecosystem"

Steve Watt of IBM will provide an overview of the players and patterns in the emerging Big Data Ecosystem and then discuss the Apache Nutch Web Crawler, where it fits into the Data Gathering patterns and conclude with a demo.

7:15 - 8:00 : "How Wukong makes Hadoop so easy a chimpanzee can use it"

Flip Kromer of InfoChimps will demonstrate Wukong (the ruby language framework for Hadoop streaming they've developed) and show how they use it to do terabyte-scale social network analysis.

I look forward to seeing you all there.


Click Forensics Address: [ Google Map ]
4301 Westbank Dr.

Building A, Ste. 100

Austin, TX 78746

Thank you to Click Forensics for hosting the meeting.


This meeting is kindly sponsored by Rackspace.