Our January Meeting will be the Data Day Austin Conference on January 29th. Our user group is co-hosting the event along with GeekAustin and Riptano. See the event link for registration and location details - http://datadayaustin.eventbrite.com/
The Schedule is still being finalized, but you can see the speakers being added in realtime at the EventBrite link. The conference is hands on. i.e. Bring your laptops. The intent is that when you leave you will actually be able to do the things being presented.
These skills are in extremely short supply and we want to cement Austin's position as a premiere destination for Big Data. This is why we are putting this on. Quite frankly, the amount of people available with these skills is not commensurate with the demand for them, This
is the perfect event to bring your coworkers and friends along to in order to help them become proficient in working with Big Data.
is the perfect event to bring your coworkers and friends along to in order to help them become proficient in working with Big Data.
I'm also hoping this event will be a catalyst that helps grow our local Big Data community for this coming year.
Lastly, some Big Data events on the horizon:
O'Reilly Strata Conference - Feb 1-3, Santa Clara, CA - http://strataconf.com/strata2011
SXSW Interactive - March 11-13, Austin, TX (Featuring a Local Big Data Panel) - http://sxsw.com/interactive
Data Cluster Party - March 13, Austin, TX - http://dataclusterparty2011.eventbrite.com/
Structure Big Data - March 23, New York City - http://events.gigaom.com/bigdata/